Ministry News

To God Be All the Glory

Philippians 2:7 

“He gave up His place with God and made himself nothing.  He was born to be a man and became like a servant.”

The passage in Philippians reminds us that Christ willingly left glory and came to earth in order to relate to mankind.  He humbled Himself and became like a servant.  As we focus on Jesus as our example, we see His willingness to lay aside His divinity to adopt the lowly form of man.  His attitude reflects one of unselfish behavior, humility, and servanthood.  He was born in a unpretentious manger.  As a man, He didn’t choose wealth or position, but instead He came to serve.  Sometimes our Christian walk may require laying aside “our right” in order to esteem and value others more than ourselves.  There is great blessing in service to others.

As we close out another year, we would love to present you with the following update and praise report of what God has been up to with regards to Phase II.

1) Funds for the 1st children’s home ($285K) will be donated by a donor with one stipulation, funds for the bridge must be raised before the end of November.

2) A favorable deal with the bridge company was negotiated.  They dropped their build price to $88K and also waived the fees for the heavy equipment that will be needed to complete the project.  Of the $88K needed, more than $90K has been raised.  The goal of raising the money before the end of November was successfully completed, thus fulfilling the requirement of the donor of the 1st home.

3) We have another person/business that has committed to giving $285K for the 2nd children’s home.

4) Another contribution of $150Kwas secured, which will be applied to the third children’s home or infrastructure as the need dictates.

Over and over again, God has demonstrated His ability to provide for what He has called His people to do.  No, it is not always in ways we would like or even in our preferred time, but always according to His perfect will.  To God be the Glory!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!