Great is Thy Faithfulness

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Twenty-twenty, a new decade begins! We have witnessed the Lord’s faithfulness over two decades of ministry. We are filled with expectation for what this new period holds. It will be different and it will have its challenges, but it is also a time of new beginnings and victories!

We are thrilled that at long last our front entrance wall is complete! We were able to complete the structure in January.


Our construction crew has made great strides on the apartments for our single mothers program. The first four units are now tiled, ceilings and walls painted, septic tanks installed, and bathroom cabinets built. We are shooting for an April 1st launch date, as long as the funding comes in to complete them.

We are set to conduct interviews with the first four candidates interested in the program in mid-February. Please pray that we would have godly wisdom and discernment in this matter.

We are grateful for the funding we received over the past year. But there is still so much to do and we need you! In order to finish the construction of the apartments, we estimate that we need an additional $30K. We would love for you to prayerfully consider how you might be a part of this mission.