A.P. News

“To everything there is a season…” Exactly 16 1/2 years to the date, we are concluding a significant chapter in this ministry. The children’s homes at the Abraham Project are officially closed.

The first four candidates who were accepted into Project Bethany were recently invited to a contract signing session. We are slated to open the new ministry in January 2021. In our meeting, we went over the contract and cleared up any questions they had with regards to policies and procedures at Project Bethany. These ladies have mixed emotions as they commit to four years of personal growth - spiritually, emotionally, and academically. Our team prayed for them even before we knew who they would be. We are confident God will manifest Himself to them in a big way in this coming new season of their lives.

Seasons can be bittersweet. Transition has its heartaches and victories. Through it all, we have seen God’s steady hand, His faithfulness, and His extraordinary mercy.

Closure & Reflection

As we reflect on the closure of the children’s homes, we feel privileged to have served children at risk in Costa Rica. It was our calling and our passion to advocate on their behalf. We are beyond grateful for everyone who invested in the lives of the 104 children who came through our doors. We will never know the full impact that we had on those lives this side of heaven. Each child is on his/her journey with the Father. He cares about them infinitely more than we ever could. We commit each one to His tender care, guidance, and protection. May the Lord bless you abundantly for sowing into the lives of these children. Thank YOU!


● Total children received between April 1, 2004 and October 1, 2020: 104

● Total children returned to a biological family member or another institution: 45

● Total children matched in either a national or international adoption: 59