A.P. News


During this season of waiting, one thing the Lord has been tweaking in our lives is our trust. How much do we really trust Him? Oh, we say we do and we quote scriptures like, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart …” (Prov. 3:5), but do we  demonstrate the kind of certitude, expectation, and reliance upon the Lord that only He deserves? We often find ourselves trying to control circumstances and outcomes, rather that trusting God to be in control and bring about His desired outcome. Philippians 4:6 gives us the key to successfully transferring our burden to Him, "Don't worry about anything; instead PRAY about everything …” As we pray and surrender our will and our way to Him, He is able to unmistakably move on our behalf. We can be confident that God knows what we need even before we ask and that He is at work in every situation. So next time you find yourself worrying instead of trusting, take a deep breath, say a prayer, and trust Him implicitly!

Recently, we were able to help one of the ladies chosen for our new program. She is a single mother of three and her husband is serving time in jail. She had been living with her mother, who is co-dependent and very controlling. The living situation had become so stressful that it was negatively affecting her oldest son. She made the decision to leave that toxic environment and move out on her own until we can open the ministry at Project Bethany. She rented a small one-bedroom apartment, but was in need of a small refrigerator, a washing machine, an electric fry pan, and a rice cooker. Happily, we blessed her with the purchase of those items.

Many families from our church and surrounding rural communities find themselves in financial crisis due to the pandemic. They have been left without jobs, money, food, and the means to pay their bills. The Lord provided us with some special offerings that have allowed us to purchase food and non-perishable goods for these needy families.

On this same note, we had the opportunity to help a fellow co-worker purchase pre-fabricated materials to build his family a small three bedroom home. His oldest child has suffered from an illness since birth. The moderate climate in the province of Limón agrees with the boy. We are so thankful that we can be a part of what God is doing for this family!

Blessings for all your love and support during these unprecedented times!